September 8, 2022

How to not get manipulated

Manipulators are extremely goal-oriented. They repeat the same thing over and over again and just don't stop until they get what they want.
how to not get manipulated

TOP 5 techniques that manipulators use

1. Manipulators are extremely goal-oriented

They are focused only on what they want on a specific end result. Regardless of you, of ethics, they are looking for nothing but their goal.

Manipulators are trying to dominate the conversation but when you ask a simple question, you flip the roles. 

Counter: "What other options do we have?"

2. They try to dictate your mental state

"you are certainly confused with the offer, but believe me, at the end of the day, you will feel that you have made a great deal" - often used by sellers to sell you the stuff you don't want or need.
or "you seem to be angry"

Counter: "Why do you say that?" 

3. Opinions as facts

"This car is just perfect for you" or "you need to exercise more"
oh really?
Counter: "How do you know?" 

4. 1 on 1 advantage

"Can you answer only this one simple question?"
Counter: seek third party / witness / lawyer

"Sure, absolutely, the moment my lawyer gets here"

5. False memories

A picture is worth a 1000 lies: Using false pictures to create false childhood memories.
If it was a while ago and lots of emotions, we take creativity, imaginations, we can use some other memories from other events to fabricate the things.
Counter: be excessively critical; use deception indicators (to form your own opinion based on facts)
Psychology 4 fun
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