September 8, 2022

How to ask for pay raise

Your employer needs to excuse why they are giving you the money. Get comfortable asking for what you are worth

5 tips for salary increase

1. Ask around, make a research about the salaries on your position

There are many free websites where you can compare salaries on your work position: , Or you can always ask around your friends or on social media.

2. Practice your speech and anticipate the questions

Prepare data and figures that benefit the company. This will demonstrate why you are eligible for a pay raise. If you can tell your friends you want a pay raise and why, you can definitely tell your manager.

3. Never talk about why you need it

Focus on what you have done and why you deserve that.

4. Tell your manager what is going to be different once they pay you the salary you want

Taking more responsibility, participate on more projects... you name it.

5. "NO" is not end of the world

An offer may not immediately happen. Don't wait they will come to you by their own. Follow up with your boss and ask directly till what time you can have the answer.

Never take things personally and always maintain professionalism

Psychology 4 fun
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