September 19, 2022

How to get respect

Respect is something you earn. Learn now how to get respect with simple psychological tricks

7 Psychological tricks to get respect

1. Defend your time

Don't always be available! Lower your tolerating levels when people disrespects your time.

2. Public speech

Survey the audience, take a deep breath, and begin - It makes them feel as if you are the one who is commanding the room.

3. Gesticulate

Gesticulate big body language and take up space - Move your arms, walk around and take up space around you.
If you don't gesture enough you'll feel like "I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be here, I want to be as small as possible so you don't notice me".

4. Always finish your sentence

Finishing your sentences strongly even if someone is cutting you off while you are talking.

5. Share your value

Talk about why you do the things you do. If you decide to quit your job, talk about why you made that decision, what you will do and how you want to achieve it.

6. Stand up for someone else

What gets you respect always won't start from pleasant experience. If you spot unjustifiable behavior, don't hesitate to point it out. Don’t be afraid of confrontation once in a while, as long as you do it in a diplomatic way.

7. Keep your emotions in check

Remain calm in tense situations and speak in a calm, relaxed voice. Strive to act, rather than react emotionally. Diffuse bad situations whenever possible, and take a moment to think before instantly reacting to a negative provocation.
Psychology 4 fun
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